The mistake most Physical Therapists and Coaches make

Stephen Horney, PT, MPT, MTC, CSCS, SFMA, HKC

Where have you seen continuing education for independent Fitness + Wellness Pros fail?

Most courses fail by offering too many assessments or interventions and not enough time to practice. You learn about the assessments or interventions but you don't learn how to DO them…(versus being) able to use it easily on Monday.

As part of our Making Moves Series your 8 Foundations of Health + Movement workshop is designed with ample time to learn and practice new skills. But, you’ve also said that context matters. Can you elaborate?

“This course fits into a system that covers everything from diet to performance and doesn't have any real blind spots. There is never the question of "but when would I use this?" As the entire system is build around a proper work out and the client’s homework.

How do assessments and program design integrate with the 'craftsman' side of being a Practitioner? (ie intuition, senses, practice + benchmarking)

This course will give you structure to build your workouts but never tells you exactly what you have to do. It’s like learning when you need to use a hammer and when you need to use a saw, and I’ll show you my standard versions of these, but I always want you to think about what you have done and seen work in the past. This is a cookbook that has some standard recipe but more importantly really drives home the reasoning for how to craft a safe workout that is efficient and effective.

What do most PTs + Coaches who've been working a long time fail to see?

SH: Some are great and keep learning but some become very myopic. PTs can learn from strength coaches .. strength coaches can learn from PTs. It is really a spectrum from rehab to performance and learning where someone is on that spectrum for each movement pattern and then helping them load it is necessary to be a great PT or coach.

What do new PTs/Coaches obsess over that they should forget about?

I think that sets and reps matter, but a quality assessment needs to happen on day 1 .. I look forward to a day where a quality assessment is the rule and not the exception and hope to be part of that movement with this course.

Finally, what's one thing that holds true for EVERY patient or client you've ever seen?

If they don't trust you it doesn't matter how smart you are :)


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