12 Best Practices for Marketing Your Wellness or Fitness Practice at Arrive
We get it: marketing is exhausting. Your days are packed with sessions, scheduling, and clients – who has time to add “marketing strategy” to their list of to-dos?
We’re here to help with that.
Marketing support is just one of the business services we offer at Arrive. Let us know how we can help you with your marketing strategy. And read on for our top tips to get started!
1. Tell Your Story
Marketing is all about the narrative. Clients will buy based on the emotional need you satisfy, but earning their trust – by sharing who you are and what you’re about – always comes first. HOW you tell your story can come in lots of forms: vlog, blog, an “About” section on your website, catchy IG emojis, TikTok videos, interpretive dance, and more. The main thing is to just get started! Once you’ve begun, you can continuously connect the dots between who you are and how it benefits what you can do for your audience.
Next Step: Take five minutes to brainstorm the questions below
What makes you a topic expert?
Why can you connect with them in a way others can’t? (New mom? Former athlete? Battled their condition, disease, mental health challenge, or another issue? How you identify?)
What have you uniquely experienced?
How have you refined skills over time that others can’t match?
2. Segment your products
Most fitness and wellness professionals are running at least two businesses these days: in-person and digital. These are wildly different products, requiring different space, energy, attention, and time. By selling clients on both, you can reduce gaps in your schedule and boost revenue!
Next Step: Take five minutes to brainstorm the questions below
Can you describe your in-person service succinctly and how it is different than your remote sessions?
What are the benefits of each to your clients?
Do you change what you offer with each (a shorter remote session because attention spans run differently online?), or are they identical for you?
Do you price them the same?
3. Take new pictures!
Face it. You look different than before the pandemic. Take some new pix and get present with who you are and what you offer now. Book a slot in our studio and/or rooms, refresh that Instagram, website, newsletter, TikTok, and more. We have a growing roster of professional photographers we can recommend.
Next Step: Join our next professional photo shoot!
Be the first in line to get new headshots and active training/in-session shots of you doing your thing at Arrive.
We’ll use them on our website + marketing materials to help boost your visibility, and you’ll be able to share them for your own efforts as well.
4. Use client surveys
Speaking in or directly from a client’s perspective can be the secret sauce to converting potential clients into priceless referrals.
Next Step: Ask your clients for their feedback!
Ask your clients what a session with you is REALLY like. The result? A from-the-horse’s-mouth assessment that you can turn into marketing collateral.
5. Ask for testimonials & reviews
Make it official and ask clients to share their status with you publicly! When was the last time you asked your clients anything but to confirm their next appointment? (Or pay their invoice?!) Good, honest reviews are a surefire way to boost your promotional efforts. Hint: over the years, it’s one of the things we’ve seen all successful pros do consistently. Even better, it’s low-cost but high-impact!
Next Step: Link to reviews!
Create an easy link to your Google or Facebook reviews
Ours is here: Review us! (See how easy it is?)
Pro Tip: Your clients can also complete a review of Arrive and mention your business by name. This has helped our pros expand their reach!
6. Run a referral challenge
Another way to leverage your clients into your best marketing asset is a referral challenge. Incentivize your favorite or best clients by giving them a reward they’ll love for sending people your way. It’s a win-win for everyone!
Next Step: Brainstorm rewards for referrals
What would be meaningful to your clients?
Would they enjoy a gift card? A free session? A discounted session for them and their referral?
7. Identify your ideal client
All industries talk about ICP – the Ideal Customer Profile. That is EVEN MORE important for a highly relational business such as private training, massage, and physical therapy or allied somatic practices. Setting aside the time to get clear on who you serve best pays dividends in any marketing strategy.
Next Step: Take 5 minutes to start your ICP
Make a list of your ideal client’s characteristics
If you’re stuck, ask yourself: Who are you NOT right for?
8. Create a small group experience
We’ve seen a strong uptick in the demand for private, small-group gatherings. Maybe it's time to dust off that group fitness experience and use it for good! Offer your favorite six clients a private class as a yearly thank you – and shmooze them with snacks/drinks after the class. Or entice new bookings by having your best-referring folks bring a friend to an invite-only class just for friends + family.
Next Step: Book it!
Book a private event at Arrive.
9. Show appreciation (to your clients!)
Give a gift of thanks – an extra session, a referral to a massage therapist (hint! we know several!), a gift card to their fave spot, drinks on you, or whatever matches what you know they’ll enjoy! See above for some small group ideas, or craft your own. The bottom line is that some of your clients are likely very loyal, and practicing gratitude by expressing it in your actions can boost not only the relationship but your business.
Next Step: Brainstorm with us
The Arrive staff can help you identify the easiest ways to gift your clients
Contact us to find out what’s available.
10. Offer standing sessions
We stan for standings! Offer standing sessions at a discount to incentivize a better, more predictable schedule for you – and accountability + ease for your clients! Sometimes good marketing goes beyond messaging; how you structure your business speaks volumes too.
Next Step: Try one of these three!
Leverage Arrive's Access Tiers to boost profits off standing sessions
Create your incentive for standing sessions – discounted off of flexible or more random hours booked each week
Map out your ideal recurring schedule
11. Consider a rebrand
New name, new you? We know something about changing names (RIP Studio 26!) We’ve arrived in style this year with a new name, look, brand aesthetic, and expanded space! Beyond the puns that have arrived with our new name (couldn’t help it!), it’s also refreshed our perspective on what we care about, what we do, and who we serve. Maybe it’s time to shake things up and see if a new perspective can help you move forward too.
Next Step: Take 5 minutes to brainstorm what makes you YOU
What’s unique about your business?
What brought you to where you are?
What value do you want clients to feel when they work with you?
How can you express that in your brand? Name/visuals/etc.?
12. Get on the map
Claim your status as a member who is Hosted At Arrive. Shout out to Annie Ho, personal trainer extraordinaire, for staying on top of not only her excellent client relationships but also her business practices too: She leveraged Google’s option to show up via the “At this place” feature on Arrive’s Google Maps listing (see image). Not only can people find her easily for a stress-less first session, but also all of Arrive’s customers see her information alongside ours. Win-Win!
Next Step: Get Googling
Does Google know you’re located in Arrive’s studio?
When you create a business profile, Google will prompt you for your location and ask if you’re located within another business or building.
Choose Arrive, and you’ll be featured whenever people find us!